Can You Do Sit Ups While Pregnant? What You Need to Know

Squatting While Pregnant: What You Need to Know

Spring 2024 Program Update

Fall 2023 Program Update

Training While Pregnant
How do you make decisions about training while pregnant? Read this article to learn a framework for making decisions about which movements to include, limit, or avoid. I’ll talk specifics, include movement substitutions, and make a case for individualized program design in the prenatal and postpartum period.

Meet Our CF-L3 Coaches
Congratulations to all three of our Certified CrossFit Trainers (CF-L3)! Tony, Beth, and Monica all passed the CF-L3 exam in the last few months. Give them fist bumps next time you see them in the gym!

Introducing TPH Away

TPH Coaching Internship
We love hiring coaches from within our gym population. This post explains what we look for in a potential coach, and the steps we take to train them!

Spring/Summer Events

Spring 2023 Nutrition Kickstart

Ski Prep Program
So many of our members love skiing and snowboarding, and over the years they’ve asked us to design a program to help prepare them for the demands of the slopes. Many of them love group classes and still want that to be the “meat and potatoes” of their fitness experience, but were looking for an add-on program to supplement their regular CrossFit.
This year, we finally went for it and designed a supplemental program to get ready for ski season. Despite the name, the program is suitable for both skiers and snowboarders…we don’t discriminate. :) It’s a six week program, and it starts on Monday 11/14!

Fall 2022 Program Update
A preview of what to expect in the next six weeks of group program design at TPH.

TPH Testing Weeks
A brief history of testing weeks at TPH.