We opened Twenty Pound Hammer in 2016 with the goal of combining the best of group CrossFit and individualized program design under one roof.

A second, no less important, goal was to be the friendliest gym in Seattle. You know that feeling when you walk into a room and no one talks to you? Or where you just feel awkward and like you don’t belong? While that is definitely less common at CrossFit gyms than some other places, we explicitly want to create an environment where everyone who walks in our doors is greeted by name and feels like they belong.

We value strength and celebrate our members’ wins both in and out of the gym.

From our very first coaching hire (Beth in 2016!), we have been so fortunate to always bring people into the fold who are excellent coaches and equally excellent human beings.

Nine + years and one pandemic after we opened, we are still going strong because of our amazing community of coaches and members.

CrossFit Twenty Pound Hammer is…

a knowledgeable, teaching gym. We are not just cheerleaders; we want our members to learn from their workouts so it’s not just about getting fit, it’s about engaging your brain and learning something new every time you come in.